About ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Shanti: Serving God through Presence, Joy, and Flow

Hi everyone! I’m Shanti, and my life revolves around presence, joy, and the flow state.

  • Presence for me is about being fully aware and engaged in the moment, choosing awareness of my patterns and tendencies to repeat any limiting cycles. It’s stepping back, seeing the big picture, and making conscious choices about how I want to exist. This presence cultivates the best for my mind, body, and soul.
  • Joy is a natural byproduct of presence. When I’m present, I’m like a child โ€“ free from mind control, simply listening and flowing with my experience. It’s pure love and pure peace.
  • Flow State is where presence and joy truly come together. In this state, the path unfolds effortlessly, there’s no struggle, just trust and surrender to what spirit has for me. This is how I create my wire art, music, and channel Reiki. It’s also how I approach life in general โ€“ trusting the divine flow and grooving through it all.

Dancing was one of my first entrances into the flow state! It’s pure joy and expression, allowing the music to move me completely.

I’m here to serve God and spread love, joy, healing vibrations, and grooves to everyone. I’m incredibly grateful for this journey and appreciate your support in following my mission. ๐Ÿ™

Shanti creates jewelry with copper and silver.

This image shows nine intricately designed wire-wrapped pendants, each featuring different gemstones and patterns, showcasing a variety of shapes and craftsmanship styles.

Every copper and silver ring, pendant, and cuff is unique and imbued with an individual intention Shanti sets.

Shanti creates Sculptures

Wire Wrapped One-Of-A-Kind Sculptures

Shanti makes music.

The Template

Shanti engages in energy readings.

Shanti Vibrations
Ocean Beach, CA